tisdag 27 september 2011

e E ^e II

Blev sådär sur på mailet och skrev

"(and yes that would be true if "e" would be the standard notation for the sign "^". But you might aswell write "bajs" there because that would be less confusing since you now found a third way of using the letter e in math instead of using the normal sign "^" for what you want to say. Even if "e" is short for EXPONENT, it is never, (as far as i know or has found anywhere on internet including IEEE 754 standard for floating point numbers in computers.) used in that way. Please find a reliable soruce and I will find myself defeated.

As I said, the reason to my question was that I was off with a couple of decimals and wanted to make sure that I had not misunderstood what you meant with your way of writing the numbers since this is NOT how we did at lekskolan. And I have NOT found any evidence that it is a standard way of writing. It just seems to be a way to write that is accepted around here.) "

Ja. Jag skrev "bajs" i mailet på jobbet.

Orka bry mig? Nä.

Är jag grisenvis och vägrar ge mig? Ja.

Kommer jag få bajs för det här? Antagligen.

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