tisdag 2 augusti 2011

Annan vinkel

Går åt andra hållet, engelsmän brukar kunna defeniera saker. Blir inte klokare
Inte ens Oxford dictionaries kan hjälpa mig :(

1 a tailless amphibian with a short squat body, moist smooth skin, and very long hind legs for leaping. Frogs are found in most families of the order Anura, but the ‘true frogs’ are confined to the large family Ranidae, which includes the European common frog (Rana temporaria)
2 (Frog)informal , derogatory a French person. Phrases
have a frog in one's throat
informal lose one's voice or find it hard to speak because of hoarseness.

have a frog in one's throat
informal lose one's voice or find it hard to speak because of hoarseness.

Old English frogga, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vors and German Frosch. Used as a general term of abuse in Middle English, the term was applied specifically to the Dutch in the 17th century; its application to the French (late 18th century) is partly alliterative, partly from the reputation of the French for eating frogs' legs

Jag skiter väl i att man kallar fransmän för grodor. Vartifrån kommer ordet?!?!

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